Sunday, April 5, 2020

Social Separation and Friends Afar

Well, it's been awhile since I last posted here. Life has changed a lot, and my friends and followers on Facebook know what I've shared there, so I won't rehash old stories.

But then, after I retired, after my employer tried to shut down my last workplace in an ivory-tower idealism, then the seasons began to change.

I watched the news, or rather listened to it, the audio newscasts, from around the world, and heard how an essentially invisible storm had rocked first one region, then a number of sea cruisers, and finally the world.

I expanded my world as my world shrunk, social separation instructions leading to almost total lockdowns here and there, and in some places, full lockdown. Will social isolation work? It's too soon to know. But my thought is, we're all going to contract COVID-19 eventually,  and the need isn't to stop the infections, but to slow it down so we can develop treatments, so we can improve outcomes, so we can "flatten the curve" so we as a society can survive.

So what's improved? Friends on Facebook, at first, more friends, deeper bonds with friends I've had. And then more international friends, and especially friends from the Phillipines. And now, a very significant friend, a story that will last years, a story that is just beginning, a story that will have to wait for another time. But, a story full of hope, a getaway, anticipation, separation, connection.

Stay tuned!

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